Benefits of Red Onion for Health and Beauty Treatment

A kind of red onion plant is a kind of plant that became a spice for various cuisines in Southeast Asia and even the world. And in some culinary traditions there are also using the leaves and stems, flowers as a seasoning or food flavoring. This plant has proven to be beneficial as well as the most abundant of Central Asia and Southeast Asia.

Benefits of Red Onion

Benefits of red onion for health treatments

1. Prevention of cancer: Onions are rich in active compounds that successfully inhibit the development of cancer cells.

2. Benefits of Red Onion To Reduce Earache: A few drops of water from this onion have been proven and very beneficial for individuals suffering from acute earache, and ear ringing can be healed by applying onion juice through cotton.

3. As we have seen Red Onion Benefits for treating various diseases such as, Tumor, Persistent and Cold Cough, Treatment practitioners have considered this a perfect form of plant to eliminate disease syndrome. By consuming the onion can help in the prevention of stomach and breast cancer.

4. Anemia treatment: Even anemic conditions can be increased by eating onions along with Jaggery and water.

5. Benefits of Red Onion To Relieve Stomach Pain: Onion has anti-inflammatory properties And anti-bacteria that provide relief for abdominal pain and associated gastro sidrom.

6. Benefits of Red Onion To Treat Urinary Disorders: For those suffering from burning during urination, Red Onions can provide substantial help. Patients with the disorder Urine should drink water onion by boiling 6 to 7 grams of red onion.

7. Benefits of Red Onion for Diabetes Mellitus: From one of the substances contained in the onion is Tolbutamide that it can help to control blood sugar in the liver. and regulate insulin release also prevents any disturbance that affects insulin production in the body.

8. Benefits of Red Onions as a substitute for ammonia: The smell, the smell in the onion is very pricking into the nose, and stimulate blood, respiratory function, and nerve function. Things like this can help in giving first aid to someone who is unconscious or fainted.

9. Benefits of Red Onion For Hemorrhoids and worming drugs

10. Benefits of Red Onions To prevent the occurrence of blood clots: how to, by multiply consuming raw onion on a regular basis.

11. Benefits of Red Onion To as a bacteria killer.

12. Benefits of Red Onions To thin the sputum and help in healing Lung inflammation.

13. Benefits of Red Onions To prevent TB disease.

14. Benefits of Red Onion To help when you are difficult to urinate.

15. Benefits of Red Onion To treat heart disease.

16. Benefits of Red Onion To help increase arousal

17. Benefits of Red Onions To prevent the disease of cancer: This onion is a kind of Spices are rich in active compounds that can inhibit the development of cancer cells.

18. Benefits of Red Onion To eliminate the presence of fish in the legs.

19. Benefits of Red Onion To kill germs in the mouth: This onion was often used to prevent damage to the teeth and infection in the mouth, The way is like by chewing raw onion, It will eliminate all germs in the mouth.

20. Benefits of Red Onions To treat wounds caused by insect stings: Red onions can help to reduce the pain caused by insect stings such as, Bees and Scorpions. Onions that have become juice or pasta can apply to areas stung or bitten by insects, and the pain will go away.

Benefits of red onion for beauty treatments

Shallots commonly used as a spice kitchen is known to provide a myriad of benefits for health and for beauty. This time the focus of our discussion is only about the benefits and efficacy of red onion for beauty and special benefits of onion to get rid of acne, and I hope there is another chance to discuss about the benefits of onion for health and treatment.

Among the benefits of onion for beauty include:

1. Benefits of red onion to prevent premature aging
The content of antioxidants on the onion able to fight the adverse effects of UV rays on the skin. which is UV rays is one of the causes of dull skin and wrinkled skin, the onion can provide protection and prevention to keep skin firm and prevent dull skin.

2. Brighten the face.
Likewise onion contains flavonoid compounds that are useful for maintaining skin beauty, and the content of Vitamin C on the onion is useful to brighten your skin.

3. Overcoming black spots.
One of the facial skin problems that the majority of women have experienced it either because of acne scars, bad effects factors from Kb pills and so forth. to remove black spots you can use onion to be applied on your facial skin.

4. Eliminate acne
Onion has the ability to eradicate bacteria and and anti-inflammation, therefore red onion is effective to eliminate acne by eradicating bacteria P. Acne is a bacteria that causes acne and even red onion can also be used to disguise and remove acne scars.

How to get rid of acne with red onion
How to get rid of acne with onion is very easy and simple as follows:

Peel 2 - 4 cloves of onion
Puree onion
Wash your face first with warm water and dry
Apply on the face especially on the acne, and be careful not to get the eye
Let stand for approximately 10-15 minutes
Wash your face with cold water

That is the benefits of red onion for beauty and how to get rid of acne with red onions that I can inform.

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