Benefits of Strawberry for Health and Beauty

Benefits of Strawberry for Health and Beauty - Strawberry is one of the fruits that we find easily in traditional markets and supermarkets. This happens because strawberry are not easy to live and thrive in a haphazard place, but can generally only develop in the highlands and have cold weather or temperature. The colors and shapes are cute, pretty and sweet with red fruit color that has made it physically look so appealing, so often used as decoration on a variety of desserts, and drinks.

Benefits of Strawberry for Health

Fresh fruit strawberry, sweet and sour are so unique that, in addition to being consumed directly, the fruit is also processed into jam, candy, syrup, ice cream and even become part of the drug. The content of nutrients and vitamins contained in strawberries greatly includes vitamins A, B, C, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid, zinc, beta carotene, and antioxidants.

The amount of vitamins and nutrients contained in the strawberry makes this fruit very effective to prevent and overcome various diseases and help maintain the beauty of your skin.

Below we will explain briefly about what the benefits of strawberry for health and beauty of your skin.

Here are the benefits of strawberry for health that are important to your body:

Disturbances in the digestive system
Disorders of the digestive system because consuming foods containing many calories, fat, carbohydrates, and oils will gradually overload your digestive system, and often the cause of various health problems. The high fiber content in strawberry fruits serves to overcome digestive disorders, launch bowel movement and lower blood sugar levels.

Boosting the immune system
Vitamin C contained in strawberry makes it a natural antioxidant that effectively boosts your immune system. As we all know that virtually all diseases caused by the immune system and immune decline, it is therefore very important to keep your immune system in check.

Maintaining Eye Health
Lack of nutrients, vitamins that serve as a free radical protector often cause eye health disorders, especially due to age-related factors to make everyone need vitamin C, falvonoid, and antioxidants to fight free radical eye function that causes gum, cataract, and macular degeneration.

Anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory
The combination of chemical compounds, such as phenol, vitamin C, folate, and flavonoids have produced anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively inhibit cancer cell formation, and against COX (Cyclooxygenase) enzymes that cause inflammation or swelling.

Prevent liver dysfunction
The heart becomes one of the important organs in the human body, and if there is a disruption of liver function, then there are various kinds of chronic diseases that threaten human health. Fiber, folate, vitamin C and flavonoids (antioxidants) and low in calories and fat in making strawberry are very effective in lowering bad cholesterol in the blood and strengthening the heart muscle, so the heart function becomes moreoptimally.

Improve bone health
Strawberry nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K make it work to maintain bone structure and health.

Maintain the health of your brain
Brain and nerve tissue often develop weakness as you get older, so unattended will disrupt brain function. Vitamin C, antioxidants, and iodine contained in the function of strawberry retain brain function

Benefits of strawberry fruit for Beauty

After knowing the benefits of strawberries for Health, then next is to know the benefits of strawberry for beauty.

Cleans the skin
Strawberry extract can be used as a natural scrub to clean the skin more optimally because it contains vitamin C, antioxidants, exfoliant, and salicylic acid.

Lifting dead skin cells
Salicylic acid, vitamin C, exfoliant, and antioxidants in strawberry make an excellent facial mask because it can work to maintain skin youthfulness and remove dead skin cells.

Make skin brighter
In addition to clean skin and skin rejuvenate nutrients and vitamins in strawberry are also able to protect the skin from pollution and exposed to ultraviolet light, so the skin looks brighter and white.

Overcoming acne
The content of vitamin C in strawberry makes it able to produce collagen in the body naturally, where collagen has a very important role for the body to repair damage that occurs on the skin, including acne.

Tighten the skin
The contents of the antioxidant strawberry make it able to fight free radicals and toxins (toxins), so the skin becomes smooth, tight and prevent wrinkles.

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